We all know now that 5G means faster Internet, but that is what is being “sold” to us. We must educate ourselves about the huge cost this is to be for the health of all organisms on earth – Humans, animals, insects, plants and the planet.
5G will add an extra layer – not replace – to our current wireless technology. It will use current 3G and 4G wireless microwave frequencies and add even more radiation up in the millimetre wave range of the ElectroMagnetic Spectrum, creating much higher wave radiation. All this to transmit data for superfast speeds with huge damaging health effects.
Millions of small cells are to be built near our homes in the name of 5G. These small cell antennas will be placed sometimes secretly on:
- Street lights
- Street rubbish bins
- Electricity poles
- Buss stops
- Building
Radiation Frequencies (RF) dissipates with distance. In other words, a low powered exposure right next to someone is more dangerous than a more powerful exposure a long way away. Also the longer the exposure time is, the more dangerous 5G will be, the worst of both worlds.
On the chart below 5G is currently about 10-3 half way along the spectrum, however once fully in operation will dramatically increase toward visible light – 30GHz – 90GHz.